Disclaimer: Talon is a software company, not a bank.

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Disclaimer: Talon is a software company, not a bank.

© 2024-2025 Talon HC, Inc. All rights reserved.

2. Entities

Creating a New Entity

  1. Navigate to Entities.

  2. Select Setup Entity.

    Note: If the Entity is a Fund or SPV, Setup Fund or Setup SPV can be used as shortcuts. Specific entity and subtype selections will also redirect to Setup Fund or Setup SPV.

  3. Input required fields (as denoted by the asterisks).

  4. Hit Submit for Approval.

  5. Select the desired Approver or "Any Approver" to review, in which case the request will be routed to all users with entity approval authorities.

  6. The Approver will then receive a message in their Inbox to review the details of the Entity.

  7. The Approver has the option to Approve or Return from the message in the Inbox.